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The good news is for movie buffs who aren't necessarily fans of the Three Stooges; Their running time in this film is similar to the length of one of their shorts. The bad news is for Three Stooges fans expecting them to be the stars. They aren't. And for me, it's the first. The good news for both parties is that what they do here is more than tolerable for the non-fans and obviously some of their funniest gags, which is also good news for their fans who might be disappointed by their lack of screen time.The plot surrounds three partners in a talent agency who disagree about how the business should be run and the interest of agent Richard Lane (in control of the business end) in fickle singer Rosemary Lane. She leaves the business to become the wife of a wealthy man and upon her divorce, aspires to return, making Lane think that they have a future together. This brings conflict because the other partners Rudy Vallee (in control of the artistic end) and Allen Jenkins (the unofficial "silent partner") find her unreliable. They find a genuine talent in Rosemary's perky maid (a very young Ann Miller) and the more reliable singer Joan Merrill (as herself) and try to get Richard to see the truth. But as she continues to play passive/aggressive games with him, Richard gets more caught in her seemingly innocent web and the partners have another falling out which can only be resolved by Vallee and Jenkins putting a big show on in Richard's nightclub where the Stooges, who have been interrupting things periodically throughout the film, finally get their big break, and like Ruby Keeler in "42nd Street", Miller gets to show off her tap dancing skills to an appreciative audience.In a reverse plot twist similar to "Kiss Me Kate", the Stooges hold Rosemary hostage so she can't go on, much like the gangsters in "Kiss Me Kate" did to ensure that the leading diva would go on. The Stooges are first seen performing a knife throwing act (with Curley practically blind and creating all sorts of havoc as he trips all over a nightclub setting) while the future "Sugar Baby" is first seen, legs only, tapping out on a balcony. Joan Merrill does most of the singing, with Miller providing the dance, including a number with Jenkins. As for Rosemary Lane, her character isn't the bitch of usual such roles (like Bebe Daniels in "42nd Street" and sister Lola Lane's in "Hollywood Hotel"), but quietly selfish and subtly manipulative. Miller is sweet and likable, and while you long for her to confront her former employer towards the end, she remains every inch the lady. Perennial T.V. sitcom guest-star Elvia Allman and Blanche Stewart are hysterically funny as the man-crazy secretaries in the agency.The songs by Sammy Cahn and Saul Chaplin are enjoyable, if not classics, and are given a bit more rhythm by the presence of Six Hits and a Miss. "The Boogie Woogie Man" has some neat photographic effects (similar to Miller's later "I Gotta Hear That Beat" from "Small Town Girl"). I would have to rank this as the highlight of the Three Stooges Collection released from Millcreek Video, and hope that they continue to release some rarely seen classics that are sleepers seldom seen except by devoted collectors. 1e1e36bf2d


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