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Arseny Sergeev
Arseny Sergeev

Kepler Astrology Software For Mac

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Kepler Astrology Software For Mac

Clarify your soul path (and your worldly decisions throughout the journey) through an elegant integration of evolutionary astrology, clear and grounded intuition, and a variety of healing processes as desired to fit your unique needs

Telemedical networks that apply innovative mobile information technologies (IT) are an innovative approach to improve stroke care in community settings. Within the German Stroke Angel initiative and the research project PerCoMed (Pervasive Computing in Medical Care, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, ) the effects of such a solution were assessed by an interdisciplinary research approach. The main goal of the team of researchers and practitioners was to provide clear evidence of improvements in intersectional processes of the stroke chain survival, namely in the acute stroke processes between prehospital rescue services and hospital stroke units. Between October 2005 and October 2007 the paramedical staff of five rescue service transporters in a rural area of northern Bavaria was included in a network with the stroke unit of the Neurological Clinic Bad Neustadt. Telemedical support by the Stroke Angel computing system - a software running on a personal digital assistant (PDA) to transmit patient data from the rescue team to the hospital during patient transporting time - was established. As procedural guidance, the Stroke Angel system suggests a predefined path through the necessary emergency procedures according to the structure of the mandatory protocol and the implemented Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen (LAPSS). In the empirical study the authors obtained a complete data set of 226 consecutively admitted patients for analysis in Bad Neustadt and LAPSS data of 217 patients from a second scenario in Düsseldorf. Medical, economic and technical analyses were applied. The technological robustness of the Stroke Angel system could be proven and information entered was transmitted fully and correctly. Concerning medical research questions, for both scenario locations LAPSS with a sensitivity of 68.3% and a specificity of 85.1% has to be deemed insufficient. Hence, alternative algorithms will have to be used in the next steps of evaluation. The system significantly influenced the clinical process of acute stroke management more than the preclinical ones (door-to-CT: 32 min. before and 16 min. at the end of the project). Lysis treatment rose from 6.12% (2005) to 11.17% (2007) of patients with acute stroke. From the set of perspectives taken, the study illustrates that mobile computing technologies offer new and innovative approaches to improve intersectional acute stroke care. It also teaches the participants that interdisciplinary research can significantly deepen the understanding of such technologies and projects, which can lead to better decision making concerning solution implementation, management and improvements. The approach will be brought into daily practice in Bad Neustadt/Saale within the next months.

One of the aims of management priorities in medical universities is the evaluation of learning in educational departments in order to prevent educational retardation and to improve the quality of education. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interns' learning in the obstetrics and gynecology (O&G) department at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZUMS). The study was performed in ZUMS, Iran, in 2002-2003 on all interns at the O&G department, including 30 men and 40 women. For data collection, a questionnaire was used and included some questions regarding the common emergencies and diseases in O&G, together with different learning indicators such as reading, observation, hearing, management, and the capability of management. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, tables, t test, and chi-square test using the SPSS software. The mean percentages of learning indicators of observation, bedside teaching, supervised management, and personal management in the common emergencies and diseases of O&G in male interns were significantly lower than those in female interns. Also, the mean percentages of managing capabilities were 12% and 70.5% in common emergencies and 14.2% and 59.3% in common diseases for male and female interns, respectively. The chi-square test showed a significant difference between the mean percentages of the managing capabilities in male and female interns for the majority of the common emergencies and diseases. Also, the chi-square test revealed a significant relationship between the learning indicators and the interns' managing capabilities for common emergencies and diseases. Some learning indicators in the male interns were very low. This needs urgent improvement of the learning quality in the O&G department, especially for the male interns, particularly those who are supposed to work in the deprived areas of the country after graduation in the public service.

unterschiedlicher spektraler Auflösung von einzelnen oder mehreren Objekten aufgenommen werden. Dabei erlaubt der schnelle Wechsel zwischen den unterschiedlichen Beobachtungsarten z.B. zunächst die Aufnahme und direkt anschließend die Spektroskopie weit entfernter Galaxien. Damit kann dann u.a. die stellare Zusammensetzung und die Entfernung bestimmt werden. Als eines der leistungsfähigsten astronomischen Instrumente seiner Art wird FORS1 ein wahres Arbeitspferd für die Untersuchung des fernen Universums darstellen. Der Bau von FORS Das FORS-Projekt wird unter ESO-Kontrakt von einem Konsortium dreier deutscher astronomischer Institute durchgeführt, der Landessternwarte Heidelberg und den Universitäts-Sternwarten von Göttingen and München. Bis zur Beendigung des Projekts werden die beteiligten Institute Arbeit im Umfang von ca. 180 Mann-Jahren eingebracht haben. Bei der Landessternwarte Heidelberg lag die Leitung des Projekts. Hier wurde außerdem das gesamte optische System konstruiert, die Beschaffung der Komponenten der abbildenden Optik und der Zusatzoptiken für Spektroskopie und Polarimetrie durchgeführt und die spezielle Computersoftware geschrieben, mit der die von FORS gelieferten Daten verarbeitet und ausgewertet werden. Darüber hinaus wurde in der Werkstatt der Sternwarte ein Teleskopsimulator gebaut, mit dem alle wesentlichen Funktionen von FORS in Europa getestet werden konnten, bevor das Instrument zum Paranal (Chile) transportiert wurde. An der Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen wurden Konstruktion, Herstellung und Zusammenbau der gesamten Mechanik von FORS durchgeführt. Der größte Teil der Präzisionsteile, insbesondere der Multispalteinheit, wurde in der feinmechanischen Werkstatt der Sternwarte hergestellt. Die Beschaffung der großen Instrumentengehäuse und Flansche, die Computeranalysen für mechanische und thermische Stabilität des empfindlichen Spektrographen und die Herstellung der speziellen Werkzeuge für Handhabung, Wartung und Justierung

Until now, Philipp Feselius has been perceived only indirectly as Kepler's antagonist. Not much is known about his life besides his work as Baden private physician and his book against astrology which was cited intensely in Kepler's Tertius Interveniens. This paper traces the stations of his career as a physician, about his presumable provenance and education in Strasbourg, his academic career in Tübingen, Strasbourg, Rostock and Padua, the doctorate in Basel in 1592, up to his employment, in 1599, as a court physician in Sulzburg and later in Durlach. Further hand-written and printed traces of Feselius are presented, and his social environment is investigated so that his personality becomes clearer, and relations can be established between his education and his writing against astrology.

Modelling noise propagation using Grid Resources. Progress within GDI-Grid. GDI-Grid (english: SDI-Grid) is a research project funded by the German Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF). It aims at bridging the gaps between OGC Web Services (OWS) and Grid infrastructures and identifying the potential of utilizing the superior storage capacities and computational power of grid infrastructures for geospatial applications while keeping the well-known service interfaces specified by the OGC. The project considers all major OGC webservice interfaces for Web Mapping (WMS), Feature access (Web Feature Service), Coverage access (Web Coverage Service) and processing (Web Processing Service). The major challenge within GDI-Grid is the harmonization of diverging standards as defined by standardization bodies for Grid computing and spatial information exchange. The project started in 2007 and will continue until June 2010. The concept for the gridification of OWS developed by lat/lon GmbH and the Department of Geography of the University of Bonn is applied to three real-world scenarios in order to check its practicability: a flood simulation, a scenario for emergency routing and a noise propagation simulation. The latter scenario is addressed by the Stapelfeldt Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH located in Dortmund adapting their LimA software to utilize grid resources. Noise mapping of e.g. traffic noise in urban agglomerates and along major trunk roads is a reoccurring demand of the EU Noise Directive. Input data requires road net and traffic, terrain, buildings and noise protection screens as well as population distribution. Noise impact levels are generally calculated in 10 m grid and along relevant building facades. For each receiver position sources within a typical range of 2000 m are split down into small segments, depending on local geometry. For each of the segments propagation analysis includes diffraction effects caused by all obstacles on the path of sound propagation 350c69d7ab


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